Sneak into mansions, map them, steal all the loot and escape! Coffee-break turn-based stealth inspired by Looking Glass Studios' Thief games. The randomly-generated mansions are loosely based on Chinese courtyard houses, with symmetry, enclosed gardens, and a public-to-private gradient from the entrance northward.

When guards give chase, run diagonally around corners to gain distance (not unlike Pac-Man) or leap out a window.

Rust/JavaScript rewrite of ThiefRL2 (a 2016 7DRL entry), to be playable in web browsers.

Written by James McNeill. Testing by Mendi Carroll and Mike Gaffney.

Development log


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WOW this is great this makes me think that I'm playing on a retro console!

Glad you like it! I’ve got a few other variations on turn-based stealth, if you want to try them. The latest is Lurk, Leap, Loot, made in collaboration with Damien Moore for the 2023 7DRL. It’s experimenting with fixed (albeit procedurally-generated) patrol routes and four-way movement, and Damien added great graphics and sound. The earliest is ThiefRL, with features like lock-picking, notes and signs, friendly and neutral NPCs, but with a fixed map. It’s a Windows executable. In between is Disguiser, an experiment in disguises. All three are written in different languages (TypeScript, C++, and Rust), not that that matters.

If you have trouble with the interface for the web-playable games you can try the versions over at my development server but note that they are not always the same as the versions. Disguiser, for instance, has a different meaning for disguises over there. They may change without notice.

Happy sneaking!

I really liked this game! It has a straightforward objective and several simple mechanics that give you a set of tools to overcome your "obstacles" - guards. This allows the player to learn it quickly and just enjoy playing right away. Fun game!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

This is really fun! Every mechanic meshes together really nice. I especially like the creaking and the water. Really makes you FEEEEEEEL like your playing Thief.